Living in Expanded Awareness - a Two Day Workshop with Ian Watson & Lourdes Orozco
In this two day workshop, Ian and I bring together our experiential knowledge of Homeopathy, the Three Principles and the Tao as well as different traditions of energy and bodymind healing. Our invitation is to explore together the diverse cosmologies that centre on healing as a process that starts from within and that grow from the belief that humans have immediate and constant access to the well of being that is within ourselves.
We want to sit and be with the wisdom found in these different healing traditions and ponder on what might be useful propositions around health and wellbeing that point towards a life of ease, joy and peace of mind.
Some of our starting points might be:
~ Attuning to the life force energy/vital force/universal mind;
~ Paying attention to and understanding the signals from universal mind - both internal and external;
~ Coming into alignment & releasing resistance. Letting healing take its course;
~ Less is more: minimal intervention - utilising susceptibility in a positive sense;
The exploration of these ideas might take different forms across the two days: talking, silence, meditation, sound.
Early bird fee (until 8th of January): £210
Full price fee: £250
The price includes lunch and water, warm drinks and light snacks across the two days. You will have to fund your accommodation and dinner for Friday evening. Please get in touch with Lourdes for questions about Leeds accommodation, the venue, and any other practical questions about the workshop.
To book: Get in touch with Lourdes directly to book a place in this workshop and make a payment.
Your hosts:
Ian Watson is a holistic educator whose work is grounded in the 3 Principles understanding and a homeopathic approach to health and to life. He has a lifelong passion for the healing arts and what it means to live as spiritual beings embodied in human form in the earthly realm. Visit Ian’s website here.
Lourdes Orozco is a homeopath (RHomInt), medium-channel and reiki master. She practices from the knowledge that all that we need to live with ease and to thrive is already within us, and that healing happens when we tune into the well of wisdom that we all hold within. Visit Lourdes’ website here
Location: We are Wellness, Leeds, 2 North Hill Road, LS6 2EN.
The Bowl of Light - Winter Solstice Channeling Ceremony
Yule, the Winter Solstice, is the time in the calendar year where the Sun is lowest in the Western skies. This time of low light, invites a journey inwards and foregrounds our ability to see in the dark and trust our intuition. However, it is also a time of transition towards light as the days will begin to be longer from this date onwards.
In this Ceremony, Lourdes invites you to place yourself in the portal between darkness & light and reflect on the gift of life to connect with the unseen and see the path lighting its way ahead. As Yule, a time of gifting, comes close… we will spend time honouring and connecting with the immense and wondrous gifts that life brings to us at this time of transition. This ceremony will include an ancient Hawaiian Shamanic ritual, that helps us connect with inner and outer gifts and connects us with our ability to receive and let go.
If you want to enter the Winter season consciously and with presence, and open yourself to the presents of the Winter months… in this ceremony we will spend time in silent meditation and reflection, we will engage in ritual and channeling, and we will share in community to celebrate the seasons that end and begin.
Seasonal Wellbeing Ceremonies - Winter Solstice
Seasonal Ceremonies with Lourdes Orozco are an opportunity to connect with nature's cycles. When we connect our inner world to the outer world, we gain access to our inner wisdom, peace and truth and in turn receive clarity and certainty at times when we might feel lost and disconnected. In Seasonal Ceremonies, Lourdes will create a space to enable, facilitate and grow our listening, feeling and sensing the cyclical messages offered by nature as an invitation to connect to the wisdom within ourselves. These ceremonies will take place on the dates around the Winter and Summer Solstices, and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. They draw from the ancient wisdom of astronomy, astrology, divination and ritual practices that were well known to our ancestors. They will include guided meditations, affirmations, chanting, breathwork, offerings and self-reflection. They are an invitation to step out of the busyness of life and immerse yourself in the sacred space of ritual, self-reflective and restorative practices. The ceremonies are 2hrs long and all of you are welcome just as you are.
New Moon Ceremony -Saggitarius
On the day of the New Moon, you are invited to connect with endings and beginnings. The focus is primarily on the new, the revelations that come from exploring what you want to create and manifest, but for this, some attention is also given to what you want to let go of so you can focus on where you are going next.
The New Moon is time for seven wishes, to cast spells to do with health, new beginnings in projects, and fresh ways of looking at relationships with self and others. What a beautiful time to connect within and reset!
Once a month we get to do this together with the power of magical ceremony. We will focus inwards, reflect with love, nurture what is revealed and open up to new/other ways of being.
I can’t wait to share this time together with you.
Day of Being
Day of Being is an invitation to enter a space of deep connection with the self. It is an individual and collective immersion in and out of sound, voice and silence. A time to come into presence with yourself through stillness and soft movement.
During our time together, Boshka and Lourdes will gently guide you in witnessing and connecting more deeply with who and what you are.
Time is of the essence and this is why Day of Being is a longer offering than usual meditation or sound sessions, inviting a deeper journey of remembering of what is in and outside of you. The healing path is a path of deep spiritual connectio, as well as discovery of our purpose and place in the world. This three hour meditation session offers us more to just be, more time to witness.
There are no prerequisites to attend this session. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, everyone is welcome.
What To Expect:
~ Guided meditations
~ Silent meditation
~ Breathwork
~ Restorative sound bath
~ Somatic practices
~ Chanting
New Moon Ceremony - Libra
On the day of the New Moon, you are invited to connect with endings and beginnings. The focus is primarily on the new, the revelations that come from exploring what you want to create and manifest, but for this, some attention is also given to what you want to let go of so you can focus on where you are going next. The New Moon is time for seven wishes, to cast spells to do with health, new beginnings in projects, and fresh ways of looking at relationships with self and others. What a beautiful time to connect within and reset! Once a month we get to do this together with the power of magical ceremony. We will focus inwards, reflect with love, nurture what is revealed and open up to new/other ways of being.
I can’t wait to share this time together with you.
What to expect:
~ Exploration of the New Moon themes for each month
~ Breathwork & Guided Meditation
~ Reflection of past month, evaluation, witnessing and moving forward. This can be done in the way that feels best to each participant: sketching, journaling, silent meditation
~ Divination
~ Intention setting for the month
Seasonal Wellbeing Ceremonies - Autumn Equinox Ceremony
Seasonal Ceremonies with Lourdes Orozco are an opportunity to connect with nature's cycles. When we connect our inner world to the outer world, we gain access to our inner wisdom, peace and truth and in turn receive clarity and certainty at times when we might feel lost and disconnected. In Seasonal Ceremonies, Lourdes will create a space to enable, facilitate and grow our listening, feeling and sensing the cyclical messages offered by nature as an invitation to connect to the wisdom within ourselves. These ceremonies will take place on the dates around the Winter and Summer Solstices, and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. They draw from the ancient wisdom of astronomy, astrology, divination and ritual practices that were well known to our ancestors. They will include guided meditations, affirmations, chanting, breathwork, offerings and self-reflection. They are an invitation to step out of the busyness of life and immerse yourself in the sacred space of ritual, self-reflective and restorative practices. The ceremonies are 2hrs long and all of you are welcome just as you are.
Autumn Equinox Wellbeing Ceremony
Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, is the time in the calendar year where light and dark come once again into balance after the dominance of heat and sun in the Western skies, we are invited to reconnect with the cooler air and the darker skies. It is the time of the last Harvest, when we gather our last crops and receive the latest of the summer gifts. In this ceremony, we will be exploring the transition into Autumn and the wisdom that nature provides us with at this time of the year. As the landscape of our outer world changes, we will journey inwards to witness the changes in our inner landscapes. You will also be invited to explore the act of receiving and the miraculous healing powers of gratitude. When we are grateful for all that we have, our heart is nourished with a glowing warmth. Come and join me in this time for settling the body and quieting the mind. The journey inwards is always truly wondrous.
What to expect: Guided meditation, Sound healing , Self-reflection , Channeling journey , Sharing circle.
Health & Healing Festivals, Pudsey, Leeds
I will be offering Soul Readings & an Introduction to Homeopathy talk at the Health and Healing Festivals in Pudsey, Leeds. To book tickets go to:
Summer Solstice Wellbeing Ceremony
Seasonal Ceremonies with Lourdes Orozco are an opportunity to connect with nature's cycles. When we connect our inner world to the outer world, we gain access to our inner wisdom, peace and truth and in turn receive clarity and certainty at times when we might feel lost and disconnected. In Seasonal Ceremonies, Lourdes will create a space to enable, facilitate and grow our listening, feeling and sensing the cyclical messages offered by nature as an invitation to connect to the wisdom within ourselves. These ceremonies will take place on the dates around the Winter and Summer Solstices, and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. They draw from the ancient wisdom of astronomy, astrology, divination and ritual practices that were well known to our ancestors. They will include guided meditations, affirmations, chanting, breathwork, offerings and self-reflection. They are an invitation to step out of the busyness of life and immerse yourself in the sacred space of ritual, self-reflective and restorative practices. The ceremonies are 2hrs long and all of you are welcome just as you are.
The Way of the Seer - Summer Solstice Channeling Ceremony
Litha, the Summer Solstice, is the time in the calendar year where the Sun is highest in the Western skies. The Sun, our brightest star and the centre of the Solar System, provides the Earth with light and warmth. Without it there would be no life on Earth. In The Way of the Seer Summer Solstice Channeling Ceremony, I invite you to tune into your inner sun, the source of endless wisdom, creativity and lifegiving energy. The core of your being, the WHO you are and WHO you are becoming. Hozho - the Navajo word for health - means ‘truth, harmony, balance’. Therefore in health, we are in our truth… we follow the light of our inner sun. The Way of the Seer invites you to explore Hozho within you.
If you struggle with clarity, if you sense a blockage in flow in any area of your life… In this ceremony I invite you to turn inwards, and connect with your inner seer, the one that leads, the one that sees the path ahead, the one that shines light onto all your being and shows you the way forward.
To book go to:
Spring Equinox Wellbeing Ceremony
Seasonal Ceremonies with Lourdes Orozco are an opportunity to connect with nature's cycles. When we connect our inner world to the outer world, we gain access to our inner wisdom, peace and truth and in turn receive clarity and certainty at times when we might feel lost and disconnected. In Seasonal Ceremonies, Lourdes will create a space to enable, facilitate and grow our listening, feeling and sensing the cyclical messages offered by nature as an invitation to connect to the wisdom within ourselves. These ceremonies will take place on the dates around the Winter and Summer Solstices, and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. They draw from the ancient wisdom of astronomy, astrology, divination and ritual practices that were well known to our ancestors. They will include guided meditations, affirmations, chanting, breathwork, offerings and self-reflection. They are an invitation to step out of the busyness of life and immerse yourself in the sacred space of ritual, self-reflective and restorative practices. The ceremonies are 2hrs long and all of you are welcome just as you are.
The Gifts of the Menopause
This workshop will be held at Ookushana Studio, Leeds.
To book go to: