IThe Sacred Journey
Mentorship Programme
Awaken your inner seer, gain clarity on your gifts, ground your practice…
This is a mentorship programme for those who want to walk the path of the seer and serve others with their practice.
If you have a sense that you incarnated at this time on Earth to lead a soul-led life serving others with your seeing of the subtle, but still lack the confidence to fully step into your practice, this mentorship journey is for you.
In my early forties, after many months of physical and emotional un-ease, I reluctantly visited a medium. She told me that my current state was due to not living in alignment with my soul’s purpose. At that time, I didn’t even know what that meant, but it was clear to me that life as it was, was really not working. I had, for a long time, denied the fact that I could hear, see and feel energies/beings that others could not and that, at different times in my life, I had had feelings of being led, supported and guided by energies that I could not fully understand.
Some months later, I visited another medium and she told me that I was a psychic-medium channel and high frequency empath. She uncompromisingly passed on the message that I had two choices: to live against this gift and continue to live in fear and suffer or to surrender to the truth of who I was. I did the latter and she became my mentor. Her guidance, support and unconditional love hold me every day to this day.
I stopped striving and willfully pushing for outcomes that did not speak to me anymore. I dropped into flow and ease. Let go of what did not serve me - my job included - and begun to trust that by creating some space in my life I would be able to hear guidance from my soul and see the path to follow.
My physical and emotional unease lifted almost as if by magic as I slowly began to walk the path of the seer knowing that behind my fears was my wisdom, behind my suffering was my power. Working with my mentor and practicing with loved ones I got to know my craft. I learned many lessons around boundaries and grounding. And met the most important of principles, align with what feels easy and natural to me, which manifested in a practice embedded in the frequency of love.
This, as I have come to realise through experience, is my soul-aligned life. A continuous journey of growth in self-awareness and love for self and others.
I created The Sacred Journey Mentorship Programme as a container for supporting others in finding their own path towards their truth.
We are all channels, whether we want it, know it, see it or not. Some of us are open to serve from this place and in this way. It is not a special power, it is not more or less important that other jobs in this planet. We all serve from different places and in different roles. I know this to be true.
If my story resonates with you, chances are that I might be able to support you in your journey inwards towards the seer that you are. It will be my pleasure to hold space for you, so you can see yourself in this luminous light.
What I offer you:
Six 1hr or a combination of 60mins and 90mins sessions to be scheduled within 6 months.
These sessions will be focused on recognising your psychic gifts, tuning into your tools, differentiating empathic work, psychic abilities and channeling from different sources, getting comfortable with your fears and perceived obstacles and acquiring a set of practices that ground your practice so you can work safely and create a safe space for others.
Business support on how to hold space, run a nourishing practice and focus on self-care.
Care and support in between sessions.
In this journey together we work with the sacred medicines of Reiki, Channeling, Cacao and Sound.
Fee is £444. More detail on the professional agreement between us can be discussed in an initial call.
This mentorship can be renewed as many times as you feel is needed. My guidance is that you commit to six sessions and then tune in before embarking on another journey.