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The Bowl of Light - Winter Solstice Channeling Ceremony

  • Ookushana 94B Harrogate Road Leeds, England, LS7 4LZ United Kingdom (map)

Yule, the Winter Solstice, is the time in the calendar year where the Sun is lowest in the Western skies. This time of low light, invites a journey inwards and foregrounds our ability to see in the dark and trust our intuition. However, it is also a time of transition towards light as the days will begin to be longer from this date onwards.

In this Ceremony, Lourdes invites you to place yourself in the portal between darkness & light and reflect on the gift of life to connect with the unseen and see the path lighting its way ahead. As Yule, a time of gifting, comes close… we will spend time honouring and connecting with the immense and wondrous gifts that life brings to us at this time of transition. This ceremony will include an ancient Hawaiian Shamanic ritual, that helps us connect with inner and outer gifts and connects us with our ability to receive and let go.

If you want to enter the Winter season consciously and with presence, and open yourself to the presents of the Winter months… in this ceremony we will spend time in silent meditation and reflection, we will engage in ritual and channeling, and we will share in community to celebrate the seasons that end and begin.

15 December

Seasonal Wellbeing Ceremonies - Winter Solstice

26 January