Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, is the time in the calendar year where light and dark come once again into balance after the dominance of heat and sun in the Western skies, we are invited to reconnect with the cooler air and the darker skies. It is the time of the last Harvest, when we gather our last crops and receive the latest of the summer gifts. In this ceremony, we will be exploring the transition into Autumn and the wisdom that nature provides us with at this time of the year. As the landscape of our outer world changes, we will journey inwards to witness the changes in our inner landscapes. You will also be invited to explore the act of receiving and the miraculous healing powers of gratitude. When we are grateful for all that we have, our heart is nourished with a glowing warmth. Come and join me in this time for settling the body and quieting the mind. The journey inwards is always truly wondrous.
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